Words and photos by: Jessica Rose

Dripping with sweat, pleasured by adrenaline, and plastered in deafening bass, The Remains created an incredible atmosphere. With a spectacular stage presence, I couldn’t look away for even a second in fear of missing the excitement. From the moment the band stepped on stage to the moment the music stopped, the rush of pure energy never left. The crowd became engaged and joyful from the tension in the room before they even started.
The booming sound of this band scratched the walls of the brain that could only create exhilaration. I could not keep my eyes off the band’s drummer releasing his excitement and anger through thrashing his sticks against his drums. His facial expressions just showed how much fun he was having on stage.

Multiple times throughout the gig the guitarist stepped down from the stage and entered the crowd, breaking the wall between the crowd and the performers. This added a personal touch to the gig as he performed his way through the excited mosh pit.

The singer was incredible. His vocals are outstanding and inspirational. At one point in their set, all of them sang together in harmony highlighting that this band not only are band members but have a special friendship and show their connection on stage.
Their last song was their original song Tripping over Radio which you can find on their Spotify. You can notice from watching the crowd that the band have built a fan base with 90 per cent of the crowd singing the lyrics. They saved the best to last.

I can see this band going extremely far in the music industry. Being in the atmosphere of their fiery, hardcore and energetic sound I felt the same adrenaline as you would at your favourite concert. Listening to The Remains live one metre in front of me was like the colour red. Anger, joy, heat, passion and stimulation.
This band is full of power.
A visual way of imagining a Remains concert is a collection of exclamation marks. (!!!!!) An exclamation mark represents strong feelings of excitement in the written English language. The Remains create just that. I encourage every reader to take the time to attend a Remains gig soon. They exceed all expectations.

I saw this band at the Little Orchard Festival in 2023 on top of the 8-track bus, I really thought the singer was going to fall off the bus from his mad, unique and powerful stage presence!
You can listen to The Remains on Spotify and keep up to date with their upcoming gigs on their Instagram: @theremainsuk